Monday, August 10, 2009

Picture your children discovering one of 30 million species

Along came a spider...

You can see the finish line. There are only a few weeks left until the kids go back to school and you are running out of ideas and things to do to keep them occupied this summer. Get them to explore the world around them with a camera and they could win a trip to National Geographic's headquarters in Washington D.C.

See the Bigger Picture is a photo contest aimed at children to examine local biodiversity through photography. With 2010 being the International Year of Biodiversity your children will have a head start on ecological issues going into the new school year.

Sponsored by National Geographic, Airbus and the Secretariat of the Convention of Biological Diversity the competition is "designed to stimulate and raise worldwide awareness on biodiversity and the preservation of threatened ecosystems amongst children, families and educators."

There are up to 30 million unknown species of plants and animals out there. Encouraging your child to look for one of them could benefit the family peace and science as well.

The campaign ends on September 8th - the children should be back in school by then.

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