Some things I can write about. Some things are just left better off as a link. This is one of those times. Tom Szaky shares TerraCycle's secrets to success.
The people that bring you topical advice on fashion, hair and beauty, and sex and relationships wade into the world of organic foods. Specifically, Marie Claire exposes six myths about organic foods. To be fair the article concludes with four brief blurbs that are "good" about organic food.
When it comes to fair and unbiased reporting Marie Claire seems to be two organic eggs short of an impartial half dozen.
Green Works Links isn't going to pass judgment on the myths uncovered by Marie Claire but suggests that you read beyond the article and peruse the readers comments. While the comments offer a counterpoint to Marie Claire's myths one thing is certain - don't piss off the organic lobby.
When you are spending upwards of half a billion dollars on a retrofit, sustainability measures should be incorporated. New York City's iconic Empire State Building has identified eight key projects that should realize energy savings approaching 40 percent over the life of the project. That is almost double the typical energy savings of 10-20 percent through a retrofit.
All 6514 windows (go ahead, count them) on the 102 story landmark are to be made energy efficient by having them removed, cleaned and reused while applying a low emissivity film. Air handling units will be replaced with variable speed fan units on an as needed basis that will eventually lead to having only two units per floor from the historical four air handling units per floor.
Along with the energy and cost savings that come along with the retrofit 105 000 metric tonnes of CO2 emissions are expected to be saved over the next 15 years. As a leading example of energy savings project partners are hoping that the savings at the Empire State Building will be replicated in other large properties and act as a catalyst for more retrofits in New York City and elsewhere.
Most recycling efforts are limited to separating glass, plastics, papers and organics for residential curbside efforts. But there is a lot more that is being recycled. For instance, what do you do with old wooden matchsticks? How about your children's broken bits of crayon? Have they outgrown their ballet slippers?
How can I recycle this? answers theses questions and many more. The brainchild for the site came about after the creators of the site contemplated what to do with empty pistachio shells. I have seen them used as necklaces in Mexico so apparently their idea was not too far-fetched.
Before you place those glass jars at curbside you may want to check out this site. It could lead to a new hobby.
I've been writing about the environment for close to 20 years in various capacities through government agencies and NGOs. My interest in the well being of our planet began in high school when I researched a paper about Canadians selling their fresh water to the US. It wasn't a good idea then and it isn't a good idea now. If the wars of today are being waged over oil the wars of tomorrow will be waged over water.
But why this blog when there are so many other worthwhile blogs out there? This one is for my dad, a confirmed Luddite who does not believe in climate change. He believes that too many environmentalists talk a lot and accomplish nothing. I tend to agree but I also know that there is a lot of action on a lot of fronts that are making this planet a better place to live. This is not a blog that will focus on a call to arms, there are enough organizations out there that are rallying the troops to action.
This blog will focus on and link to direct actions undertaken from everyday people and large corporations alike. Change is being enacted. Solutions are being developed. Green Works Links will help to promote these efforts as best we can by posting them to this site.